More projects

Cyber101, PollPA, and more
W ’12 –

Here are a few more projects that I’ve worked on over the past few years. A number of these projects have been discontinued, so some of the links may be broken!

  • — a collaborative project to argue for privacy; translated into 16 languages (and counting); over 30 contributors.
  • PowerVoting — a tool to compare the relative voting power of districts across the United States in federal elections (with Leyla Jacoby).
  • Politiwatch Disinformation Archive — a searchable index of the official Twitter disinformation archives.
  • Turtle — a lightweight toy programming language written in Rust.
  • OpenAlerts — an open source, intuitive, and low-cost breaking news distribution system for newsrooms (with News Catalyst).
  • — a game to combat islamophobia; awarded “most wholesome [game] of 2016” by Reddit WebGames, 250+ upvotes on post
  • IEQL — an Internet scanning system I created as part of an independent project course at Phillips Academy.
  • PollPA — a live polling platform for Phillips Academy.
  • Introduction to Cybersecurity — a beginner cybersecurity course I designed for high school and college students.
  • PARussian — a 2nd level textbook I created based on Русский Язык Для Всех for the Phillips Academy Russian Department.
  • — a simple website that simplifies the process of submitting a FOIA request.
  • ArmorLib — a malware detection framework I created as part of a course at Phillips Academy.
  • — a simple word processing tool for quick copy-paste analysis.
  • OPENWI:RE — a weekly newsletter highlighting the best of the week’s adversarial journalism and “think” pieces, with an emphasis on issues of foreign policy, digital privacy, and technology. (Discontinued.)
  • Deaddrop — secure, authenticated, and monitored file ‘dead drops.’
  • LibreNews — a free, open source, speedy, and deeply customizable breaking news notification system for Android phones. Over three thousand active daily users.
  • DroneScout API — an API and web interface for processing the Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s drone strike data. (Discontinued.)
  • 530ZULU — a twice daily concise email news briefing. (Discontinued.)
  • Vog — an open source browser extension (Firefox, Opera, and Chrome) for extracting open-graph data from a webpage without having to deal with source files.
  • TrumpWire — a project (now defunct) that sent a SMS notification whenever Donald Trump signed an executive order.
  • — the single most encompassing and important news story, found automatically. (Discontinued.)
  • MD-C Labs — a place for experimental web projects. Mostly discontinued.

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